Saturday, October 12, 2013

Renungan: Oct 12,2013 - Bersama Tuhan

Oct 12, 2013

Yes 40: 29-31
Dia memberi kekuatan kepada yang lelah dan menambah semangat kepada yang tiada berdaya.
Orang-orang muda menjadi lelah dan lesu dan teruna-teruna jatuh tersandung,
tetapi orang-orang yang menanti-nantikan TUHAN mendapat kekuatan baru: mereka seumpama rajawali yang naik terbang dengan kekuatan sayapnya; mereka berlari dan tidak menjadi lesu, mereka berjalan dan tidak menjadi lelah.

Pagi2 Tuhan bangunkan aku & saat terbangun 1 lagu Tuhan taruh hatiku:

Engkau ada bersamaku, disetiap musim hidupku
Tak pernah Kau biarkan ku sendiri
Kekuatan dijiwaku adl bersama Mu
Tak pernah kuragukan kasih Mu

Bersama Mu Bapa, kulewati semua
Perkenanan Mu yg teguhkan hatiku
Engkau yg bertindak, memberi pertolongan
Anugerah Mu besar, berlimpah bgku

Shalom sahabatku selamat pagi, Firman Tuhan berkata Kekuatan kita ada ketika kita bersama dng Tuhan krn diluar Tuhan kita tdk bisa berbuat apa2, kita tdk memiliki kekuatan bahkan utk bertahan sekalipun aplg utk menyerang (Yoh 15: 5). Jadi hanya ketika hdp kia melekat kpd Tuhan serta me-nanti2kan Tuhan mk Tuhan akan memberikan kekuatan yg baru kpd kita, kita akan seumpama burung rajawali yg terbang tinggi & tdk pernah mejd lesu atau hilang semangatnya ttp kita akan mejd pribadi yg memiliki Roh yg menyala2 &tdk pernah padam. Kita tdk akan pernah menjd lelah ttp bersama Tuhan kita akan berjln smkn hari smkn kuat krn itu nantikanlah Tuhan, & Tuhan akan memberikan kekuatan yg baru kpd kita yg letih lesu & berbeban berat (Mat 11:28). GBU

Have a blessed day, God bless you by Kathy Cambell

Now more than ever before we need to press into hearing what the Spirit of the Lord is saying today. We need to know Him. This manual will help you in your journey of intimacy with the Lord and bring you to greater understanding of the commands in Scripture to encourage one another. I often will say as I instruct ones in the prophetic that all of the gifts of the Spirit flow through the prophetic. Being a prophetic person is one who is able to hear from God. We all hear from God to a certain extent. The sons of Issachar had understanding of the times and they knew what to do. Having understanding of the times is equal to having words of wisdom, words of knowledge, and discernment flowing through you. If we can hear God's voice then we can hear words of wisdom. If we can hear God's voice then we can hear words of knowledge. If we can hear God's voice we can have discernment. If we can hear God's voice we can have faith to declare those things that are not as though they are. If we can hear God's voice then all of the Gifts of the Spirit will flow through us. More than ever before we need to understand that in the last days, as prophesied by Joel and repeated by Peter, there will be widespread revelations from God. We will not receive revelations from God if we do not hear His voice. God speaks in a variety of ways. The most basic avenues God speaks to us are through the Bible, prayer, people, nature, dreams, and an inner sense of knowing something. Certainly and most definitely we have entered such an occasion. God is speaking today. It behooves all believers to embark on this most exciting journey of learning to hear God?s voice in as many possible ways as God is speaking.

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