Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 7,2013 - Saat Indah bersama Tuhan

April 7,2013

Luk 10: 40-42
sedang Marta sibuk sekali melayani. Ia mendekati Yesus dan berkata: "Tuhan, tidakkah Engkau peduli, bahwa saudaraku membiarkan aku melayani seorang diri? Suruhlah dia membantu aku."
Tetapi Tuhan menjawabnya: "Marta, Marta, engkau kuatir dan menyusahkan diri dengan banyak perkara, tetapi hanya satu saja yang perlu: Maria telah memilih bagian yang terbaik, yang tidak akan diambil dari padanya."

Dalam kita menjalani kehidupan kita bersama Tuhan melayani Tuhan itulah yg dikehendaki Tuhan krn Tuhan tlh lbh dulu melayani kita ttp Tuhan Yesus juga menginginkan kita utk tdk fokus hanya kpd pelayanan kita semata-mata shg kita lupa membangun hubungan yg intim bersama Tuhan, Tuhan menikmati kebersamaan bersama kita, saat kita datang sujud dihadapan Nya, memuji dan menyembah Dia itulah saat yg indah dan berharga bukan hanya utk kita ttp juga bagi Tuhan.

Shalom sahabatku selamat pagi, biarlah bagian kehidupan kita lbh banyak kita nikmati bersama dng Tuhan, menikmati hari2 indah bersama Tuhan, bersekutu dan menikmati Kehadiran Nya dlm kehidupan kita krn Kehadiran Tuhan selalu membawa kekuatan yg baru dlm kehidupan kita, biarlah kita selalu dpt bernyanyi & berkata saat indah bersama Mu Tuhan itulah yg kurindu, menikmati Engkau dlm Hadirat Mu & kita akan selalu dpt mengatakan Kpd Tuhan bhw Tuhanlah dambaan hati kita, kebanggaan kita dan kesukaan kita ...wah Saat kita memuji2 Tuhan, menikmati kebersamaan mk saat itukah kita akan mengalami saat yg berharga dlm kehidupan kita krn saat indah berdua dng Tuhan itulah saat kita mendengarkan suara Tuhan, kita tdk perlu berbicara just enjoy that moment and He will say something to you, dan ini akan membawa kita kpd pengalaman yg indah yg membuat kita akan melakukan & melakukannya lagi. Selamat hari minggu trs nikmati saat indah bersama dng Tuhan. GBU

Have a blessed day, God bless you by Kathy Cambell

Now more than ever before we need to press into hearing what the Spirit of the Lord is saying today. We need to know Him. This manual will help you in your journey of intimacy with the Lord and bring you to greater understanding of the commands in Scripture to encourage one another. I often will say as I instruct ones in the prophetic that all of the gifts of the Spirit flow through the prophetic. Being a prophetic person is one who is able to hear from God. We all hear from God to a certain extent. The sons of Issachar had understanding of the times and they knew what to do. Having understanding of the times is equal to having words of wisdom, words of knowledge, and discernment flowing through you. If we can hear God's voice then we can hear words of wisdom. If we can hear God's voice then we can hear words of knowledge. If we can hear God's voice we can have discernment. If we can hear God's voice we can have faith to declare those things that are not as though they are. If we can hear God's voice then all of the Gifts of the Spirit will flow through us. More than ever before we need to understand that in the last days, as prophesied by Joel and repeated by Peter, there will be widespread revelations from God. We will not receive revelations from God if we do not hear His voice. God speaks in a variety of ways. The most basic avenues God speaks to us are through the Bible, prayer, people, nature, dreams, and an inner sense of knowing something. Certainly and most definitely we have entered such an occasion. God is speaking today. It behooves all believers to embark on this most exciting journey of learning to hear God?s voice in as many possible ways as God is speaking.

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